Бинокъл Bresser Pirsch ED 8x56

824,95 лв. 783,70 лв.
  • Марка: Bresser GmbH, Germany
  • Кат. номер: 74340
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As with the premium allround binoculars of the Bresser Pirsch series the Pirsch ED Series are for every application range the right one, whether on vacation, journey, while hiking or hunting.

Our Pirsch ED binoculars are equipped with the latest phase coating and allow the image to be more contrasting and high-resolution. In addition, these binoculars are equipped with the high-performance ED glass, which makes the colors even more radiant and the picture still more colorful. Color fringes are prevented by the special high-performance ED glass. This is reinforced by the high-quality fully multi coating. The combination of the built-in Barium-Kron glass material and the Dielectric coating on the prisms makes the picture even brighter and clearer. So they are well placed even at twilight.l makes the picture even brighter and clearer. Based on TwistUp eyecups spectacle wearers can also enjoy the full field of view. They are adjustable in 2 steps and also support the view without glasses. The rubber armouring, which is installed all over the binoculars, provides a gripping handling. All Pirsch ED models are equipped with a wide, very comfortable carrying strap. To complete the package, these models are all purged with high-quality argon gas, which protects the binoculars even more from fogging . Of course, the Pirsch ED models are protected against fog and water entry.


  • Compact and versatile binoculars
  • High performance ED-glass
  • High quality phase coating for bright and more high-contrast images
  • Waterproof and argon purged to prevent fogging
  • Rubberized housing
  • Ideal also for spectacle wearers ± 4 diopter

The kit includes:

  • Binoculars
  • Nylon case with shoulder strap and harness strap for even more comfort at long trips
  • Broad, padded carrying strap
  • Protective objective lens caps
  • Protective eyepiece caps
  • Large lens cloth
  • Manual
МаркаBresser GmbH, Germany
Гаранция2 года
Размер на опаковката (Д x Ш x В)18x23x9 cm
Транспортно тегло1.714 kg
Увеличение, x8
Тип на призматапризма на Амичи с фазова корекция
Материал на оптикатаBaK-4
Покритие на лещитезелен, цялостно многослойно покритие, диелектричен, фаза
Диаметър на лещата на обектива (апертура), mm56
Коефициент на здрач23.66
Относителна яркост49
Зрително поле, m/1000 m114
Близък фокус, m3.5
Зрително поле, °6.51
Регулиране на фокусацентрално
Чашки на окуляритевъртящи се
Разстояние от очите, mm19.67
Регулиране на диоптъра на окуляра, диоптри±4
Разстояние между окулярите, mm60 — 72
Приложениелов и риболов, астрономически
Пълнеж на корпусааргон
Възможност за адаптиране към триножникстандартна резба 1/4"
Калъф/торба в комплектанайлонов калъф с твърди вложки
Тялометален, поликарбонат
Диапазон на работната температура,°C-20 — 50
Монтиране на триножникyes
Торбичка/калъф/чанта в комплектторба

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Бинокъл Bresser Pirsch ED 8x56

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